Thursday, July 15, 2010

nothing beats that morning cuppa

no matter where i am, what mood i am in or emotion i may be feeling, when i wake up to my morning cuppa tea, everything seems alright again. there is something about the red, steaming goodness that is rooibos tea that wakes you and fills you with happiness :) well for me at least.

rooibos is proudly south african and is directly translated from Afrikaans as "red bush". the smell is intoxicating and addictive even though we all know it is caffeine free :) this morning i missed my early wake up cuppa cos i slept in. after gym last night and a long day of studying and winter school class i was buggered and just crashed as soon as i got home at 21:00. 16:00 will come though and my afternoon cuppa will be just as refreshing, if not more. especially since i cooked comfort food today instead of healthy. it is chilly and dull with just a glimpse of sunshine peaking through the clouds today, covering the occasional tree with brightness. its windy and all i wanted was comfort food. and if you have been following this blog you would know what i made.... pasta!

the recipe today was kind of different as i fused eastern and western elements. i marinated the thinly sliced chicken breast in my favourite marinade (i will dedicate a full post to that marinade and all its tasty goodness) and sauted them quickly so it retained all its juiciness. finished off with fresh dhania (coriander). maybe i will put up this recipe, it is a lot to type and a little time consuming but all so worth the comforting deliciousness that it will bring you.

for now, lets all just revel in the perfection that is rooibos tea :)

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