Sunday, September 12, 2010

sunday brunch steak stack

one thing i've loved with every inch of me is a good breakfast or brunch on a sunday morning. as a little girl, it was my dad's "thing" on a sunday to make us a nice yummy breakfast! it always included fried eggs, bacon, sausages, baked beans curry, toast and possibly a tin fish curry or a mince curry. my dad loves his breakfast and because of this, i love myself a good breakfast.

as we all got older, sunday brunch was more suited due to late saturday nights and sleep-ins on a sunday morning, and in my opinion - sunday brunch is so much cooler! what's better than a bit of lunch and breakfast mixed together?

so today as usual, my dad woke me up and i helped him out with a bit of brunch. my mum made the tin fish curry and fried up some lamb sausages, and my dad and i made a delicious steak stack!

it was stir-fried steak and mushrooms with caramerlised onion on toast with a fried egg on top! cannot explain the deliciousness! literally stir fried the steak in a wok with a bit of salt and lemon pepper, lime, coriander and steak spice. stir fried the mushrooms separately and then added in the onions with a bit of sugar and worstershire sauce. added everything back in and gave it a toss and that was it :)
fried up an egg and slapped in on top and there you have a deliciously simple and yummy brunch idea!

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