Wednesday, May 12, 2010

second timer

the first time i decided to blog, i actually had no idea what to blog about. i was misdirected. and thinking back, i think i know why. i think it was because i had no idea what i wanted to write about. the second time around, it seems i know myself better and have developed a few passions:)

how was this blog born you may ask? well...i was on twitter, tweeting about what i had decided to make for lunch (which i have not made yet because i have been busy starting this blog!) and i had a light bulb moment. no seriously, it sounds so cliche, but these things actually happen. i thought instantly about all the food memories i have and all the times i've spent in the kitchen and i realised that those times i've spent in the kitchen have actually been some of my happiest.

my dad and i are always talking about opening a coffee shop where i'll do the cooking and he'll do the managing, and i always write down all my recipes. i watched "julie and julia" and all i thought of was - "i wanna do that!". i'm addicted to the food network and it seems writing in a journal is a little outdated, so what was my option? blogging!

this blog is dedicated to my favourite food memories, my favourite recipes and my own personal recipes. 

i can't wait to share it :)   


  1. errr where did my comment go?? anyway, to add pictures to your blog layout: go to dashboard -> layout -> add widget (on the side) and then you can add an image

    to add pictures to your post: go to edit post, or while writing the post there is a tool bar above/below the title box... theres an image that looks like a mountain or something
    click that

  2. oh and my last comment said:

    I also loved julie and julia. I came home inspired to cook creatively and did so for a week... then it died. I never knew you could braise cucumbers til i watched that lol. julie's blog is still on the net. i almost died when i saw it... dont know why...

    check out my blog if you bored

  3. Great Blog - Interesting recepies............Well it is said that the proof of the pudding is in the eating! Guess we have to take your word on that.. {lol}

  4. Hey Kovi! Thanks for the comment! Well, since the proof of the pudding is in the eating, I think a supper is in order! LOL See you soon:)
