living healthy can be extremely difficult in the society we live in at present. with so many fast food outlets at our disposal, it's so much easier to give in to the deliberately enticing smells of the local burger, bunnie or pizza place. we think it'll be easier and less time consuming to order take-out than to "slave" away in the kitchen. i don't think this is true.
next time you're ordering food from a take out, ask them how long your order will take to prepare. in all possibilty it will probably take 20 minutes for you to pick up the order or for it to be delivered. i'm going to prove over the next couple weeks that these 20 minutes would be better spent preparing something even more delicious and way healthier than your local take-out spot.
first stop:
now you may think "aah breakfast is easy, who even eats take out for breakfast?" well let me tell you - a lot of people. and it's usually something really bad for you. a lot of people won't tell you but i know for a fact that some people either DON'T have breakfast in the morning or grab a packet of chips, a pie from the gas station or some other convenient food option before school varsity or work.
uhhm no.
it takes 5 minutes to make this amazing breakfast option that will not only keep you nice and full til tea time or even lunch time, but will also kick start your metabolism.
- half a cup of oats (i use jungle oats - either the normal type you make in a pot or the instant type)
- water from a recently boiled kettle
- dried cranberries
- one banana
- sliced almonds
- one teaspoon brown sugar or honey
- milk
all you need to do is boil your oats or pour the water into your instant oats, slice up a banana, throw in a handful of dried cranberries and almonds and drizzle the sugar or honey on top with a splash of milk and you're ready to go! alternatively you can use banana chips or any other dried/fresh fruit that you like.
not only is the dried fruit option really easy to store (it lasts a good amount of time in the fridge), it also saves you time and money in the long run.
so don't think that breakfast has to be boring or time consuming - it can actually be a lot of fun!
til next time:)
peace and love